Cloud Accounting & Bookkeeping (CAB)

Accounting & Financial Record keeping have always been an integral part of any business organization. However with the growing statutory compliances the importance of the same has grown manifold in the past decade. Hence the need for greater accuracy and optimization vis-a-vis the bookkeeping functions has become the need of the day. OLEJ provides start-ups and SME's with customized cloud driven solutions for their accounting and bookkeeping needs. 

The following are the advantages which OLEJ's CAB solutions:-

Lower costs than conventional accounting
Conventional accounting proves to be highly inefficient due to the redundancy in its functioning. OLEJ's CAB proves to be more cost effective by cutting down on the redundancy.

Realtime data availability
Accounting data is available 24/7 on the cloud server, which can be accessed from anywhere thus reducing the logistical bottlenecks involved with conventional accounting processes

Simple process implementation
OLEJ's CAB follows a simple process flow which can be implemented in any organization without any substantial training/efforts. This enables the business owner/client to concentrate on their core competencies rather than accounting compliances

Greater degree of internal controls than conventional accounting
OLEJ's CAB ensures greater degree of control over the accounting data which reduces errors and thereby promotes data accuracy and integrity 

Greater data security than conventional accounting
Access to accounting data can be restricted based on the business needs having varied access controls viz. Read only, Read and edit etc. which gives a greater level of security than conventional accounting. 

MIS reports integrated into accounting functions
OLEJ's CAB follows a modular approach to the process, which enables businesses to integrate its MIS requirements seamlessly without having to engage in redundant efforts

Customized to suit the needs of a particular business/organization
OLEJ's CAB is highly customizable to suit the needs of varied businesses. This allows the businesses the option to alter the process to suit any need which may arise in the future or modify its existing reporting structure to better suit its needs.

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